【产品说明】 1不受环境影响,具有长效、稳定的防静电性能,体电阻和表电阻均在1x105-1x109之间。(It won,t be influenced,and has permanent and stable anti-static Functions with body resistance and surface resistance between 1x105-1x109Ω) 2耐候性优良,-60。C-600。C环境中其理化性能及防电性能不变。 It has excellent heat-resisitant performance and the conductivity won,t change between -60。C-600。C 3耐腐蚀、耐酸碱、耐油污、防火等级A级、防渗透。 It is incomparably wear-resisting、acid-proofing、smeary resisting、flame retardancy and prevent penetration 4 陶瓷质地,**老化,坚硬**,可与建筑同寿命。 It is made of ceramic,and never aging 5无毒、无味、*,是绿色环保产品。 It is green environmental products,and it is non-toxic、tasteless And non-radiation 6花色品种可以任意选择。 You can choose any design、color or type at ease 7发尘量小,与嵌缝剂配合使用可满足较高级别的洁净环境要求。 The dust capacity is low and it can meet higher requirements of clean environment when used with caulking agent 8 施工简单、快捷,适合在各种新老建筑物中采用。 It canbe used in both new and old buidings as the construction is quite easy